We’re pleased to offer post-auction properties for online auctions. These properties did not sell at auction, and we hope this new online auction format makes them more accessible for buyers to purchase.
Properties certified to the Commissioner of State Lands that are offered at the initial public auction but do not sell are made available for sale through the Post Auction Sales process thirty(30) days from the date of the initial public offering.
The first $100 for each parcel you purchase will be charged to your registered credit or debit card. You may pay the balance with that card or by sending certified funds, such as a cashiers check or money order. We must receive the full payment within 10 days of the auction’s close. Please note: Credit Card processing fees are not refundable.
We encourage you to watch the instructional videos and read the resources available at the links below, so that you know what to expect before you start bidding.
Tommy Land, Commissioner of State Lands
Server Time: 3/28/2025 11:54:00 AM
Utc Time: 3/28/2025 11:54:00 AM
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